Articles on: Getting Started

Installation guide

Get started with Pandectes using our detailed installation guide.

This article provides easy-to-follow instructions to help you set up quickly and efficiently.


The installation of the app is done automatically after adding it to your store and is pretty straightforward.

Pandectes GDPR Compliance contains the following features for your storefront:

Cookie consent banner
This is the most visible part of the app which is the banner that informs your visitors about your store's policy.
Customer data requests
This is a block that can be added to a page on your store that provides your customers or guest customers the option to make requests about their personal data that are stored on your store. This block additionally offers the option to the visitor to see the already given consent preference and also to revoke this given consent.
Cookie declaration
This is a block that can be added to a page on your store and automatically presents all your store's cookies with detailed information about their purpose (Note: this feature is available to the paid plans).

Visit our demo store here to see what the banner looks like and also how the customer data requests and cookie declaration block work on pages.

The steps to follow are five and listed below.


Step 1

Go to homepage and click Start your free trial. Another option is to visit directly our app listing page on the Shopify app store as described in the next step.

Step 2

From the Shopify app store, click Add app and fill in your Shopify store URL. Then click the Install app to start the automatic installation.

Step 3

You are done! The application is installed and you can see a notice, like the one presented below, from which you are informed about the current status of your cookie banner. By clicking on the green button you can make the banner visible to your store.

On the top of the dashboard, you will find a box from which you are able to deactivate the banner or activate it and you can directly click on the customize link to make any changes you want to the banner.

If you check your store now we will be able to see your cookie banner with the default settings about the layout and the content available on your store.

Furthermore, if you don’t feel ready to open the banner to the world yet, you can easily set it to be displayed to admin only while working on it, meaning you will be the only one to see it live.

Simply turn the Admin mode switch on, and you’re good to go! You can turn it off later in order to make it visible to the public.

Note: Admin mode is only available on Premium & Enterprise plan. You can see a comparison table here.

If you click the Deactivate button in the notice, then another notice will appear that informs you that the banner is not activated, and by clicking Activate banner you can enable the banner again.

Alternative installation method with theme app extension

Our application is compatible with Online Store 2.0. This means that you are able to install the application with another method. This is done with theme app embeds. We provide this option in the Help menu (on the top right of the app) where you can visit the Online Store 2.0 option.

This method follows the new way with app extension that Shopify suggests after the changes that were made to the themes. It keeps your theme code cleaner and makes the app core script load even faster. If you want to install the application based on this method then you have to do the following steps:

First you need to switch off the option there:


Navigate to Online Store on the left side menu.
On the themes page on the right click Customize.
Open the App embeds tab on the left side menu.
Enable Pandectes Core app embed from the left side list.
Click Save to save theme changes.

If you change the theme you will need to enable again the app extension in the new theme.

Step 4: Customer data requests

In this step, you can see how to add the Customer data requests widget on a page of your store.

The Customer data requests code snippet helps you display the following:

The current consent status with the option to revoke it
The Customer data requests form for customers or guest visitors

There are two methods to do this:

Method 1: App Block (only for Online Store 2.0 themes)

This method follows the new way with app blocks that Shopify suggests after the changes that were made to the themes.

Navigate to the Online Store option from the left side menu and click on the Customize button.
On the top center of the page click on the Home Page dropdown, navigate to Pages option and then click on the Create a template.
Create a new page template by giving the name Pandectes DSR.
On the left side, navigate to Template > Add section. From the list select the Apps tab and click on the Pandectes DSR.
Click Save on the top right.
Navigate to the Online Store option from the left side menu and then click on Pages.
Create a new page and give it a title of your liking (e.x. Customer data requests).
Select as page template the newly created template called Pandectes DSR and save the page.

Method 2: Code Snippet (for any theme)

In order to add this code snippet, you will need first to create a page for this purpose. So you need to do the following:

First, open our application and navigate to Settings then click on the Customer data requests option.
On the left side click the Activation instructions link.
Copy the code snippet by clicking on the Copy code button on the bottom right.
Then from the left menu click Online Store and then click on Pages.
Click Add Page on the top right and put as a title Customer data requests (or any other title you want).
In the Content click the right button that says Show HTML and in the textarea paste the code snippet you copied earlier on (3).
Finally hit Save on the top right.

Step 5: Cookies declaration

In this step, you can see how to add the Cookies Declaration code snippet on a page on your store. The Cookies declaration widget helps you display a structured table with all cookies used in your store together with some basic info about them.

Note: This feature is available only on paid plans.

Method 1: App Block (only for Online Store 2.0 themes)

This method follows the new way with app blocks that Shopify suggests after the changes that were made to the themes.

Navigate to the Online Store option from the left side menu and click on the Customize button.
On the top center of the page click on the Home Page dropdown, navigate to Pages option and then click on the Create a template.
Create a new page template by giving the name Pandectes Declaration.
On the left side, navigate to Template > Add section. From the list select the Apps tab and click on the Pandectes Declaration.
Click Save on the top right.
Navigate to the Online Store option from the left side menu and then click on Pages.
Create a new page and give it a title of your liking (e.x. Cookie Policy).
Select as page template the newly created template called Pandectes declaration and save the page.

Method 2: Code Snippet (for any theme)

In order to add this code snippet, you will need first to create a page for this purpose. So you need to do the following:

First, open our application and navigate to Settings then click on the Cookies Declaration Page option.
On the left side click the Activation instructions link.
Copy the code snippet by clicking on the Copy code button on the bottom right.
Then from the left menu click Online Store and then click on Pages.
Click Add Page on the top right and put it as a title Cookies declaration (or any other title you want).
In the Content click the right button that says Show HTML and in the textarea paste the code snippet you copied earlier on (3).
Finally hit Save on the top right.

Updated on: 29/07/2024

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