Articles on: Integrations

Integrating Pandectes GDPR Compliance with Analyzify

Discover how to integrate Pandectes GDPR compliance with Analyzify for enhanced data privacy.

This integration is only available to all our paid plans.

This guide offers clear, step-by-step instructions.

Analyzify offers a data analytics setup that uses Google’s Consent Mode on the Google Tag Manager container presented specifically to each user.

All the tags are triggered according to the user’s consent which is provided by our Pandectes GDPR Compliance application.

To make it work you will first need to follow our instructions on how to install our app.

Then you will need to upgrade to any paid plan and be able to have access to the integrations section where you will need to activate the Google Consent Mode.

As Analyzify uses Consent Mode as a GDPR solution you will need there to select the option “I have already installed Google Tag Manager and/or Google Analytics".

The rest of the setup can be done on the Analyzify app and on your GTM account.

Updated on: 31/01/2025

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